Open g tuning guitar lesson

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

In this lesson, guitar, I'm going to show you some tips on how to start slide guitar in open g tuning. Now the first thing that you're going to want to do is put some larger strings on your guitar. I use a set of. 011 ' s. This will make it significantly easier when playing slide if you do this.

The next thing you want to do is to increase the action on your guitar. This will allow you to play cleanly notes with slide without it hitting the keyboard.

Now that you have made these 2 things, you will need to tune the guitar to Open G Tuning. The notes will be from low to high-D G D G B d. notice that the 4?, 3? and 2? strings (strings, D, G and B) are not changed from standard tuning. This is an important thing to realize when learning Open G Tuning. Many different triad chords can be formed as play in standard tuning. If you are playing any guitar, this becomes extremely useful.

Now you should have your guitar tuned all now and ready to play some slide. I say immediately that the key of g major works in Open G Tuning, but in fact you can play in any key with this tuning as well.

Watch the video below to learn how to tune the Open G and how to play chords, G, C and D, this optimization.

Here is an example of something that you can play Blues in Open G Tuning with a slide.

I'm going to be coming out with some open G Tuning Slide lectures early. If you want to be informed about them, please Subscribe to the mailing list. If you're already on my newsletter, then you do not need to register again.

What kind of lessons you would like to see open g? I am in the process of creating these and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts.

View the original article here


Anonymous said...

Its such a nice one.
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